07866 680691 
07717 203234 


Most people will appreciate that conversations regarding HR Issues can quickly become complicated. That said, simplicity is always preferred when it comes to discussing the extent of our services. With this in mind, we offer three very simple options for employers. 
Whichever option you choose, you will have access to our dedicated advisers outside “normal” working hours as we align ourselves with the varied nature of our clients working times and business. 
Pay as you go with an hourly rate £120 per hour (minimum 30 minutes charge) 
Able to purchase individual chapters from our "Navigating HR Practices" guide @ £60 per chapter 
Able to purchase individual guidance documents @ £35 per document 
Able to purchase template HR Policies @ £30 per policy 
Able to purchase template HR forms @ £20 per form 
Able to purchase template letters @ £15 per letter 
An annual fee  
1 - 10 employees - £1750 per annum 
11-25 employees - £2800 per annum 
26-50 employees - £3500 per annum 
51-75 employees - £4300 per annum 
76-100 employees - £6400 per annum 
101-150 employees - £8500 per annum 
151-200 employees - £10,200 per annum 
201-300 employees - £12,500 per annum 
301+ employees – to be negotiated individually 
Tribunal work discounted from normal hourly rate 
One free space on a Management Training session 
FREE access to the website client suite 
FREE access to guidance documents, template HR policies and template letters 
A biennial fee at a reduced rate for 2 years' service 
1 - 10 employees - £3400 for 2 years 
11-25 employees - £5400 for 2 years 
26-50 employees - £6700 for 2 years 
51-75 employees - £8100 for 2 years 
76-100 employees - £12,200 for 2 years 
101-150 employees - £16,500 for 2 years 
151-200 employees - £19,400 for 2 years 
201-300 employees - £24,000 for 2 years 
301+ employees – to be negotiated individually 
Tribunal work discounted from normal hourly rate 
Two free spaces on a Management Training session 
FREE access to the website client suite 
FREE access to guidance documents, template HR policies and template letters